Hello and welcome back to the third edition of PA Food Spots: Do(s) and Don’t(s)! This edition is a close look into my third place restaurant pick and its colorful menu: Starbucks. So, let’s get started!
Previously, I’ve focused on spots that are known for selling food as their main product. However, I had to pick one of my personal favorites, whether I’m at school or anywhere near one of the millions of locations. Starbucks is the biggest coffee franchise in the US which is definitely well deserved. So to me, PA being so close to Starbucks is one of my favorite things about the mornings before school, therefore putting it in this series’ third place.
Let’s kick this off with the smaller half of their menu, the food. Starbucks serves both breakfast and lunch along with snacks, treats, and bakery products. I’m not a super big breakfast person so unfortunately, I don’t really know much about their breakfast menu. However, I know how people have raved about the bacon, gouda, and egg sandwich. I also used to constantly eat the egg bites before my swim meets and I will say they are definitely worth the money.
Now the bakery section of the menu is pretty much my expertise, I am obsessed with their croissants and scones. A butter croissant is the perfect pairing with a nice cup of coffee; it’s a balance of savory and sweet, and if I get a warmed croissant, it’s even better to wash it down with a cold drink. And of course, you can’t forget their iconic cake pops, nobody can pass those up; they’re pretty much Starbucks delicacies. Overall, their food isn’t a huge staple but it’s very complimentary to their drinks which seem to never disappoint.
I have had so many “coffee phases” in my life. When I was younger, I only wanted something sweet, I didn’t even want to taste an ounce of coffee. Luckily for me, Starbucks had the perfect sweet drink for my six-year-old taste buds: the frappucino. Whether you’re craving a simple vanilla taste, a caramel creation, or a smooth chocolate flavor, Starbucks’ frappuccinos have it all.
Into the next “coffee phase” of my life, I started to branch out and discover more. By discovering more I mean adding things to my frappuccinos like extra caramel or white mocha, but nevertheless a step up from before. I will say one of my favorite things about Starbucks is their versatility. Growing up with a lactose intolerant mom, she’s always had to order alternatives but they were never quite as good as the “original”. Starbucks, however, has substitutions that taste the same (maybe even better) than drinks with cow milk and some drinks they make specifically with oat or almond milk. I also love how simple it feels to ask for customization, I feel like the menu itself is so creative that when people ask for different flavors in their drink it isn’t a big deal.
In my current “coffee phase,” I love everything. I love a nice cold brew where you can taste the coffee, or a super sweet drink you wouldn’t even know had caffeine. I’ve grown to appreciate the menu for more than just a sugar rush. One of my all time favorites at the moment is the Iced Caramel Macchiato because it’s got the tang of sweetness but a perfect balance of the bitter coffee with it. Again, Starbucks is so versatile that even the biggest coffee haters can find something they’ll enjoy.
For example, the refreshers. The infamous Pink Drink has forever been a fan favorite. While I’m not the biggest fan of strawberry flavored things, I can understand the hype behind this particular refresher. However, the lemonade refreshers have the upper hand, in my opinion. The Blackberry Sage Lemonade Refresher really lives up to its name, it’s a smooth and cooling flavor that seems to just flow perfectly. Another one of my favorites is the Strawberry Açaí Refresher, I honestly have zero notes on this drink, it’s genuinely perfect because who doesn’t love a fancy pink lemonade.
I know I’ve been ranting about how much I love Starbucks and can’t seem to find one bad thing about it. But, trust me, I have one strong negative opinion about the menu. Anytime I’m sick I fear passing a Starbucks because I know exactly what my mom is thinking, two words; medicine ball. I cannot stand that drink, it has zero flavor whatsoever, it’s just hot water and random herbs. Now you may think, “She probably just doesn’t drink hot tea.” Well, you’ve got the wrong idea there, I absolutely adore hot tea whether it’s green tea with lemon, rooibos, turmeric, you name it, I love it. However, whatever concoction Starbucks created just isn’t good. If it’s supposed to heal my sickness I guess I’ll stay sick because there’s just no saving that drink.
I don’t want to end this article on a negative note so I’ll mention my final favorite part about Starbucks: the holiday special drinks. While I hate winter because of the cold, I love thinking about the drinks Starbucks will be adding back to the menu for the season. The Peppermint Mocha, Caramel Brulee Latte, and Sugar Cookie Almond Milk Latte made my 2024 winter all worthwhile. The fact that these drinks are only available for select times during the year just makes me appreciate them more. I’m also not forgetting about the Starbucks reusable cups which you can purchase pretty much anywhere. At home I have a collection of at least 15, it’s a serious problem but I don’t really want to solve it.
Starbucks was clearly my ideal third place pick; it’s almost unmatched compared to other drink spots. I think building a Starbucks across the street was one of the best ideas, not a day goes by where I don’t see PA students eagerly walking to Starbucks or leaving out with a smile on their face. Starbucks are without a doubt a complete DO for me.
Come back next month for our fourth place reveal where I’ll uncover my thoughts on the food around us!