Jerry Seinfeld’s 23 Hours to Kill is an Easy Watch

Olivia Brightbill, Staff Writer

By Olivia Brightbill

Jerry Seinfeld marks return to stand-up with new, Netflix comedy special 23 Hours to Kill. While there are some questionable moments, for the most part it is a pretty solid comedy set. I was surprised his quirky mannerisms and physical comedy on stage were the parts that made me laugh the most. 

Going into this I was concerned it was going to be cringy and out of touch since Seinfeld has basically reached legend status as a comedian. There comes a point where celebrities just cannot relate to the average person. A large portion of stand-up comedy depends on relating to the audience. The audience probably does not share the same struggles as a man with a networth of 950 million dollars. However, Seinfeld does not fall into this trap and still manages to connect with the crowd.

The first half of the special was definitely stronger than the second half. In this later part he talks about his personal life and started off shaky talking about the difficulties being with his wife. The jokes were still okay, but male comedians complaining about their marriage are so overdone at this point. This part teeters the line well and never crossed over into being distasteful, but it was more boring.

I think anyone could enjoy Seinfeld’s special, the PG rating especially opens up the audience range. 23 Hours to Kill is a good way to sit back, laugh, and escape for an hour.